Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye

Caspar Weinberger, former defense secretary, Reagan flunkie, and pardoned Iran-Contra affair participant, died yesterday. The only thing I thought of upon hearing this news was this:

"The wind doth taste of bittersweet
like jasper wine and sugar.
I'll bet it's blown through other's feet...
like those of Caspar Weinberger."

It's from a Bloom County strip of long ago - Opus is sitting on a hillside, struggling to write a poem, and that's what he comes up with. After the Caspar Weinberger line, Portnoy sits up from further down the hill and says, "Start over." I would link to it, but Berke Breathed has a thing about not putting all his comics online for free, I guess, so I can't. Alas.

Thanks for reading.

P.S. Confidential to Electric Mayhem: Happy Birthday! Your (late) card is in the mail!


Electric Mayhem said...

Awww, thanks Joy!

Dissident Sister said...

Do you remember loaning me all of your Bloom County books? I do. You're awesome.

By the way, I gave them all back, so if you can't find them, some other jackass has them.

thptpth said...

For real? You have them? All this time I've been blaming my Mom - I thought I left them at home and she sold them all for a dime each at a garage sale.

Mom, I'm sorry.

Dude, I totally expect to be credited in your dissertation now.

Dissident Sister said...

I do not have those books! I gave them all back!

I mean, I wish had that awesome stash, but I do not.

It takes a lot more than that to get into my acknowledgments section, yo.

Dissident Sister said...

I do not have those books! I gave them all back!

I mean, I wish had that awesome stash, but I do not.

It takes a lot more than that to get into my acknowledgments section, yo.